An animated TV short for S4C Wales by Animation Works, Holland.
(3:30 min)
Written & directed by
Arjan Wilschut
Music by
Dick Wilschut & David Wilschut
Sound by
Hans Krielaart
Animation by
Pascal Vermeersch, Arjan Wilschut & Viktor Venema

3D scene by
Johannes Bevelander & Viktor Venema
Inking by
Chris Evans, Michiel de Jong & Viktor Venema
Scanning, compositing & editing by
Nico van Biljouw
Post production by
René Brouwer -WRKS-
Produced by
Animation Works & S4C

Christmas TV short by Animation Works for S4C Wales, also broadcast in the Netherlands (AVRO, 1e kerstdag). The short made the MIPcom newsletter and was awarded 2nd Best Animation Short at Interfilm Berlin and Anima Mundi Brazil.
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